A very feminine day today starting with a tour through the Bath Fashion Museum which I must say even from a male perspective, was quite interesting with, dare I say, lovely samples of clothing through the ages. There you are, it’s out. I enjoy looking at gorgeous clothing on women. It was really worth more than the free admission with our National Trust card.
I offered to take a photo for a trio of women at the Royal Crescent and pretended to run away with their camera which was a laugh, probably not for them, though. I paraded with Sharon down the Royal Parade to where the best example of tourist exploitation was to be found on all of our trip. A short, stout man with a bad hairdo in period dress beckoned us inside, The Jane Austen House! I found out later she didn’t even live there! We paid 7.50 pound each then sat in a room and watched a nice TV showing old ladies in old dresses dance around a floor with each other, waited there for 20 minutes for a pooncie young man in a flowery waistcoat to tell us about Jane Austen’s brothers, “And please do not take any photographs of me while I am speaking!” Maaate! We were led to the exhibition of Jane Austin and her life which consisted of a 20 metre walkway displaying large posters showing where she lived in Bath with a couple of quotations from her novels like, “I hope, Mr Darcy, that in the future people do not use my name to exploit unknowing tourists from far lands who come to this fine city expecting to get good value for money and having entered such an establishment they find after paying such hard earned cash from honest toil, they get nothing in return but disappointment and a feeling of having someone’s hairy paw in their trouser pocket rummaging for more coins. .
We left there having a good laugh and after browsing through some very fine vintage clothing stores (reminded me of my own wardrobe), had an fine Italian dinner and wandered home.
We like Bath.